Friday, December 21, 2007

Converts to Islam are leftists

I just came across a story about some research done in Denmark about converts to Islam, and I'll briefly translate the main points:
"130 converts (out of 4000) have been interviewed, and 1/6 of them thinks that Islam can not be combined with democracy. However, 1/2 thinks that Islam should rule society. They think that democracy is an Islamic principle and that one might as well have an Islamic society which builds upon or incorporates democratic elements.
One of the co-writers of the book["Nye muslimer i Danmark" / "New Muslims in Denmark"], Tina Gudrun Jensen, thinks that the lack of democratic understanding is due to most of the converts being leftists. "The resistance against democracy is for some of them related to them generally being critical to modern capitalist and materialistic societies. In reality, it's the same attitudes that one saw among leftists in the 60s and 70s. And in fact, a lot of the converts are very left oriented."

Nyhedsavisen: Hver sjette konvertit er imod demokratiet (20. december 2007) Konvertitter er venstreorieterede (21. december 2007)

Islam in Europe has made a proper translation to English.

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